Writing an OIDC RP Utilities Class
Recently, I found the need to write an OIDC RP utility class in java in order to handle OIDC requests. I needed to be able to call the usual suspects of when dealing with OIDC: Authorize Token Userinfo Each one of these is a different API call and I really didn't feel like writing individual requests and deal with processing and storing all of the information that would be exchanged. The obvious first thought would then be to look for a Java library that is already doing this sort of thing and then wrap it in an easy to use utility for my codebase. Thus the search for the optimal utility began. Being that OIDC was a published standard I figured that they would have a list of libraries that they supported and that is when I came across their certified library list. https://openid.net/certified-open-id-developer-tools/ One thing that I did know was that my particular use case required that the library support Identity Proofing, which is being implemented in the OIDC standard. This n...